Quality yurts @ discount prices
Luxury yurts @ affordable prices
The ger (in Mongolian), or the yurt (in Russian), is the traditional dwelling of the Mongol peoples and, in general, of the nomadic peoples of Central Asia. Yurts and tipis are designed to be easily assembled and dismantled so that the owner can continue their journey. The herder is constantly moving, looking for new pastureland for their animals.
The orientation and the symbolism of the yurt are valid for all of the ethnic groups of Mongolia. The yurt is not only the center of the universe, but also a microcosm itself. It is a map of the universe, and the veil of the sky is reflected in the arched form of the interior of the yurt’s roof. The entrance is always facing south. The north side, also called the hoimor, is located behind the fire, opposite the door. This is the most honored place in the yurt, where sanctuaries and altars are placed. It is here that sacred objects and other religious images are placed on a table or chest.
The center of the yurt is the most sacred place of the yurt; it is where the fire is located. The fire is the dwelling place of Golomto, the daughter of Father Sky. It must therefore be treated with respect. Just as the yurt is the center of the universe, the fire is the center of the world represented by the yurt. The vertical axis represented by the chimney rising from the fire symbolizes the tree of the world where shamans ascend to the higher world. The crown of the yurt symbolizes the gateway to the upper world. In some shamanic rituals, such as the initiation of shamans, a tree will actually be erected from the fire through the crown of the yurt, thus portraying the journey of the shaman to the higher world.
The yurt can also be compared to the native people’s medicine wheel in North America. It is a physical representation of the sacred circle with its marked orientation towards the four directions of the universe. The circular pattern and alignment to the four directions are also preserved in outdoor shamanic ceremonies, such as walking and dancing around the sacred ovoo erected for mountain spirits. Ovoos are piles of stones and other symbolic items located on the tops of hills.
Movement inside the yurt is conducted “sunwise,” in the sense of a clock. By observing the crescent of light created by the sun entering the yurt through its crown, we understand very quickly why the yurt represents the race of the sun. For this fact, each person moving inside the yurt must do so in the direction of the movement of the sun: going from the south to the north of the yurt, passing on the west side of the yurt, and going from the north to the south of the yurt, passing through on east side of the yurt. This same movement is also applicable in shamanic dances and other ritual dances.
Seating also respects a tradition still ingrained today. The west side of the yurt, on the left hand when entereing the front door, is the side reserved for men. It is also the storage place for tools, saddles, bows, and rifles. The east side of the yurt, on the right hand when entering the front door, is the side reserved for women. On this side are stored kitchen tools, food, and other female objects. Finally, the places north of the yurt, those near the altar, are the most honored. Here elders, chiefs, shamans, and honored visitors sit. Children and young adults sit in the southern part of the yurt.
Quality yurts @ discount prices
Luxury yurts @ affordable prices
This video sponsored by Yurt Asia.Yurt Asia is a world-renowned expert in yurt manufacturing. They are very creative, constantly developing new concepts. They have a unique and enviable ability to immediately connect with clients’ ideas and turn those ideas into realities.https://www.yurt.asia/
1. Connection with the Earth. As the yurt is placed directly upon the earth, you are closer to Mother Earth for grounding your root chakra.
2. Meditation. As the entire structure of the yurt is symbolic (like a pyramid, pagoda, or temple), pointing into the universe, it drives a large amount of universal energy for your meditation in the yurt.
3. Release of Negative Energy. The round shape of the yurt has no corners, so negative energy does not remain in the yurt.
4. Cleaning and Energizing. Making a fire in the middle of the yurt allows you to clean and neutralize any negativity that might come into the yurt.
5. Balance. The two poles in the middle of the yurt represent masculine and feminine energies for balancing.
6. The Noble Eightfold Path. The crown at the top of the yurt has eight parts or petals representing the practices of the Noble Eightfold Path: View, Intention, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort, Concentration, and Mindfulness.
7. Connection to the Sun. The yurt is traditionally set up facing to the south. In that way, you will enjoy the natural sun and its warmth for the whole day. Our yurts have optional big glass windows to face south.
8. Optimization of Spiritual Guidance. With the yurt facing south, your altar can be placed in the north of the yurt, in the direction of Polaris, where you can manifest the most benefit from your spiritual guides and teachers. Monasteries place their altars in the north.
9. Model of the Universe on Earth. With the yurt facing south, you will live according to the universal spinning time and the twelve animal signs of the zodiac.
10. Healthy and Creative Living. Every part of our yurts are constructed of eco material, allowing you to bring the most prana (ch’i energy) into you for a healthy body and mind. Living in a 25-square-meter space, you can be minimalist and organize your day-to-day life for a constantly creative and joyful lifestyle. Best of all, you can move to a new spot for new experiences and take your yurt with you.
Yurt Asia is one of the leading yurt Makers in Asia. Here is short documentary about real off grid living people- Tsaatans who live in northern mongolia in tipi.
100% sheep wool isolated 4 season Strong wood structure Western handle, lock Double glass windows Water proved canvas Flex y glass crown Mobile Yurt to assembling & take down easy Free of nailing Hand made Grantees service after Hand made in Mongolia
Every single yurt is custom made in mongolia in our workshop according to you interested of design, size. But, it takes 3 months to make and 2 weeks for documenting for exporting processing, 1-2 months for delivery to you depending on your location. We are able to export to the state, Europe. For more information please contact us www.yurtasia.com Thanks!
Yurt Accessories A Yurt is a home dwelling for the Nomad families living on the Mongolian steppe, seasonally moving as they raise livestock and cashmere on the vast grasslands, valleys and Gobi Desert. The Mongolian Yurt is made from natural materials such as cotton, wool and wood. The original Mongolian Yurt is designed to withstand sever winters and be easily re-assembled and erected each time the nomads move to new location. Therefore, most yurts used in Mongolia are a basic need for economic and practical reasons. There is no nailing or framing in the original Yurt. People all around world have begun to produce Yurts in different designs from the original concept of the Mongol Yurt. Some foreign Yurts are even made for residential use with the use of nails, stud frames and drywall. We focus on the original Mongolian Yurts with premium quality & standards.
The Yurt accessories are divided into two major parts. First: the wooden piece 1. Door-1 piece 2. Supporting pole-2 pieces 3. Rafter poles-depending on the size of Yurt up to about 70 or more 4. Crown-1 piece 5. Walls-Depending on the size of Yurt, minimum 4 walls, but up to 8 or more walls. 6. Belts- one for the walls, three for the outer cover of the Yurt 7. Robes- walls, crown, felts, etc. Second: The cover 1. Inside cover. Generally made with natural cotton 2. Felt cover. Felt made of 100% sheep wool. For export quality, it is washed in high temperature water to clean all soil, and to make it free of any odor. For winter time, a second or third layer of felt can be added to make the Yurt more insulated. 3. Canvas cover. It is a water proof canvas material to protect the Yurt from rain or wind 4. External cover. Traditionally, it is white in color with a traditional pattern with the strongest cotton. The cover can made with a personal logo and design.
We would like to give you a quick instruction on how to erect a Yurt.
1. Place walls on the two sides of the entrance door. Make sure, the sharp part of the Wall standing on the top part.
2. Attaching the walls one to another and circle tightly by the robes. Make sure walls are all standing at the same level as door high.
3. Belting the walls circle in tightly. Make sure, walls set up like skirt and Belts are on one third of upper wall part. The bottom is sometimes raised during the day for air circulation, except in winter.
4. Erect the crown and the two supporting poles in the middle.
5. By placing crown upside down, place two poles in opposite of each other attaching them tightly with a crown.
6. Someone stands up in the middle to support the two poles with the crown
7. Attach the sfour robes on the four sides of the Crown into a Walls to make sure radius of Yurt matches with a Sticks.
8. Start to hook a stick with the wall & crown from four different sides of the
9. crown. Make sure, follow the numbering matches on crown & wall head.
10. Insert all the poles around the crown. Make sure they are hooked from the external side of the wall.
11. Place a inner cover. Someone can hold apart the entrance and middle crown., it is recommended to do on a wind free day.
12. Place a felt cover from a one side of a wall to another. Attach it with robes from a walls.
13. Place the Northern part of the felt cover on top of Yurt.
14. Place the southern part of the felt cover on top of Yurt.
15. Place the rain cover over the felt cover.
16. Place the external cover. This cover stays outdoor and often need to replaced or washed depending on climate.
17. Place a crown cover on top of Crown. It is half way open during the day and closed completely during heavy rain or night times.
18. Belting external surface of Yurt tightly in three times to make sure, yurt is strong and tight. It can take 1-2 hours for an experienced 2-3 person to build up a yurt. Thanks for your attention and good wishes on your Yurt Living!
This video made by Daka Rad Mongol Yurt, who is official sales agent of Yurt Asia in the United States of America and Canada. Yurt Asia is a world-renowned expert in yurt manufacturing. They are very creative, constantly develop new concepts. They have a unique and enviable ability to immediately connect with clients ideas and turn those ideas into realities. (https://www.yurt.asia)
Tsaa means rein dear in Mongolian. Tsaatan people, they lives north west not far from giant Khusvgul lake one of the largest fresh water lake in the world near Russia, Siberia cross the border. Tsaatan are last nomadic tribe who lives in a tipis. They are tough people, you have to be tough to survive there. Temperature up there is – 25—45”Celsuis in the winter. There are only 250 tsaatan people living in traditional way. They have no access to the modern educational or medical facilities. They use reindeer for their survival for their meat, clothing and transport. From a Ulaanbaatar, a capital of Mongolia need a 2-3 days to reach the tsaatans. First stop is city of Murun, 1,5 hours flight, there after you are in 4 wheel drive head cross country to TsagaanNuur –White lake. Than 1-2 days horse riding depending on how fast you are on horse. We organize tours to the tsaatan people. Tours mostly run in the summers, you are able to experienced first hand to live without modern world. You will find out the role of shaman religion experience way of their life it always has been. You are able to go on reindeer ride and hikes in the wilderness and fishing the lakes. Getting touch with us how you can experience their magical world!
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